Discover the Power of HBCUs

Unlock Your Potential with hbcu-YES!

At hbcu-YES!, we provide information but we're more than that; we serve as your launchpad to an enriching educational experience. Our mission is to uplift scholars—be they Black, Latino, or from other minority backgrounds—by shining a light on the exceptional opportunities available at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) as well as other minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Join us as we explore why choosing an HBCU is not just a wise decision, but also the right one for you.

Discover why investing in HBCUs is not just smart, but the right thing to do.

Why Choose an HBCU?

Three Pillars of Excellence

  1. Community: At an HBCU, you're not just a number; you're part of a family. A nurturing environment fosters both personal and academic growth.

  2. Heritage: HBCUs offer a unique platform to explore and celebrate your cultural heritage. Learn more about the rich history of HBCUs.

  3. Opportunity: From scholarships to internships, HBCUs provide a plethora of opportunities for career advancement. See how HBCUs are changing the college landscape.

HBCUs are not just educational institutions; they're cultural epicenters that have shaped the fabric of Black culture and society. By choosing an HBCU, you're not only stepping into a legacy of excellence but you are assuming your position as a leader making a societal impact of your own.

The Legacy Lives On


Our program offers a range of comprehensive modules designed to support students in their academic journey:

  • College Readiness

    Prepare for the transition from high school to college, covering strategies, study habits, time management, financial literacy, and social adjustments.

  • Scholarships

    Navigate the scholarship search process, including types of scholarships, eligibility requirements, when to start, application strategies, and essay writing.

  • The College Application Process

    Get a step-by-step walkthrough of the college application process, including selecting appropriate colleges timeline, and understanding application components.

  • Black History

    Dive into the rich tapestry of Black history, how to look at it, celebrating triumphs, acknowledging challenges, and highlighting the impact of Black individuals on global society.

  • Health Literacy

    Emphasize the importance of health awareness, covering topics such as nutrition, mental health, stress management, and regular physical activity.


At hbcu-YES!, we have had the privilege of delivering impactful presentations and workshops to various audiences. Our experience includes:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion presentation delivered to the superintendent and lead staff of the Bethel Board of Education.

  • Black Lives Matter at School panel presentation on "Unapologetically Black," discussing the influence of HBCUs in preparing individuals to be their authentic selves.

  • HBCU Presentation at Newton High School, enlightening high school students about the benefits and opportunities available at HBCUs.

  • "True Black History" and HBCU Presentation at Dutchess Community College, sharing insights with students from the Hudson Valley and Greater Danbury Connecticut Area.

  • HBCU Presentation: Presented to Waterbury Upward Bound Program (high school sophomores, juniors and seniors) at Naugatuck Community College, Naugatuck, CT, August 5, 2022

  • "True Black History" and HBCU Presentation: Presented to High Schoool Students from the Hudson Valley and Greater Danbury Connecticut Area at Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, NY on April 8, 2023.

  • hbcu-YES!, Health Literacy & NCAA Eligibility presentation to scholar-athletes at CT Rebound Waterbury AAU Program, emphasizing the importance of health and NCAA eligibility.

  • hbcu-YES! & NCAA Eligibility engagement with Middletown Schools for their My Brother's Keeper Initiative, providing ongoing support and guidance.

Unlocking Opportunities, Empowering Futures


hbcu-YES! offers a comprehensive program that is beneficial to scholars as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. Upon graduating high school, scholars who are undecided or actively seeking matriculation into postsecondary educational institutions will undoubtedly gain useful and high quality insight about Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Adrian Bryant’s dynamic pedagogy, expertise, and interactive methods of presenting information exposes scholars to the myriad facets of the rich traditions that HBCU’s offer that continue to thrive and evolve today. As an alumni of Howard University, Adrian draws upon his firsthand college experiences which further augment his agenda - to indoctrinate our scholars and provide positioning to a unique pathway of success that’s destination is held exclusively at HBCUs.

Philip Stewart - Coordinator MBK - Middletown Schools, Middletown, NY

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